Tuesday, May 26, 2009

OK then, more Kool Aid being passed around

Obama must have up the dosage of Liberal Nutcase juice in the DC Kool-Aid fountains.
As reported on Bloomberg .
The world should try to have “white roofs everywhere” to help fight climate change, U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu said. Painting flat roofs of homes and commercial buildings white would reflect more of the sun’s heat back to space and reduce electricity used for air conditioning by as much as 15 percent, Chu told reporters today in London, citing research by Arthur Rosenfeld, a member of the California Energy Commission.
OK, I get the air conditioner thing, but "reflect the suns heat BACK TO SPACE?
This is the man who brought you the idea of dispensing man-made particles (pollution) into the atmosphere in ways to modify the climate.
DUDE, step away from the Obama Kool-Aid drinking fountain, you've had to much. It's called moderation.

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