Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Another person, another politician, another President

As I write this, yet another president is sworn in to office in this nations Capital.

Barack Hussein Obama has become this nations 44th president.

Over the course of the past 2 months there has been much hype about this day. Moderate hype at the very least.

But in the last few days the hype has become deafening. A frenzy, particularly in the press and left wing nutcase blogs.

I have read hundreds of articles from LA to NY. Chicago to Miami and from Washington to San Antonio.

And every article about the inauguration of Obama has all been the same.

And that is, ‘How historic this is’.

And as I read all those articles, I asked myself, ‘What is so historic about just another inauguration of an elected President? It has happened 43 times before.’

Then I read on.

And in every last story all, all mind you, have one thing in commend. At the outset of the articles one thing stands out as clear as a bell. “First African/American President” or “First Black President”

And then I thought back during the campaign and how the liberal left in this country began its cry that ‘If you don’t vote for Obama, you’re a racist.” Labeling voters and trying to guilt them in to voting for Obama.

Now we have the gushing swarm of the left and the media puking up “Our first African/American president.” as the first paragraph that is hammered out on to their screens about this day and Obama.

Is this the reason most in this nation are so hyped about this day and fawning over him as President? Because he is BLACK? Appears so!

What ever happened to the political correctness of NOT looking at the color of ones skin, but the content of ones caricature?

This whole hype leading up to this day has shown that “America” has yet to change in its racially ignorant attitude and has yet to look be on the color of someones skin.

He’s just another person, another politician, another President.




  1. If I were the President I'd be offended, personally. They're minimizing his accomplishment and the significance of the day by labeling him, viewing him as a black man first and a man second.

    But that's just me.


  2. And me too, there Nick
    It was sickening.
    Did you see the Det Free Press site these past 3-4 days? Talk about massive overload.

    Thanks for including this on Wed. Sphere on Right Michigan.
